4 ways professional answering services help you turn callers into customers in Sparta, TN.
An incoming call to your business is more than just answering some questions; it is often a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to turn that caller into your next client. Although the internet makes it easier to find information about your business, most people still prefer to hear a human voice convince them that the product or service they are looking for is what they want. A professional virtual assistant phone answering service can help you do it.
If you or your staff are not used to providing customer support, the call can turn into a negative experience for the potential customer, resulting in a loss. According to multiple studies, 84% of callers cease doing business with a company after a foul call experience. Remote assistance professionals don’t only repeat information about your business; they listen to your clients and understand their concerns and needs, even when they aren’t clear on what they need.

Their training and experience allow them to provide your callers with personalized service that makes them feel important and cared about. This is especially important when they communicate with your business using multiple channels, as important information can get lost from transfer to transfer.
For instance, if you run a Facebook campaign about a specific product discount, but when your leads call, the staff doesn’t know the details or what they are calling for, the caller can get discouraged, affecting your client engagement and conversion rates.
How can a virtual assistant phone answering service turn your caller into a customer?
1. Active listening
Active listening means focusing on and understanding the meaning behind the other person’s words, even when they are uncertain about what they need or what to say. Reassuring callers that you know their concerns and care about resolving them puts them at ease and builds their trust in your business. Customer support professionals are specialists in active listening and will ensure no detail is overlooked.
For example, if a caller says they can’t make it to their appointment with you because their parent fell in the morning and they’re in the hospital’s waiting room, you shouldn’t focus only on canceling their appointment. Offering condolences and rescheduling options can be great ways to let them know you understand this cancellation is not out of nowhere and that you care about their well-being, enhancing your business communication with them.

2. Route callers to the best agent or location based on their data
Getting the caller to the correct department to resolve their concern increases your chances of converting them. If they want to schedule a consultation, a complaint agent will likely have to transfer them, delaying the solution and causing frustration. Knowing where to route the call depends on the customer's information, where they are calling from, why, and any marketing source for the call.
Call-handling companies such as Ding A Ling use state-of-the-art technology to classify and route calls for your business, such as IVR (interactive voice response), rule-based call routing, or call forwarding. These systems use automated systems to classify the call according to various criteria such as location, source, or reason for calling to route the caller to the most appropriate department or agent.
3. Avoid dead silences and keep the conversation going.
Silences in the middle of a business call leave the customer with the impression that the representative doesn’t know how to resolve the issue or doesn’t care about resolving it. Dead silences between your calls can negatively impact your client’s experience and risk your reputation and the possibility of referrals. Virtual assistant phone answering service professionals know they must keep the conversation moving toward a goal.
4. Provide agents with real-time data on the callers.
Whether the call stems from a marketing campaign, a complaint, an issue, or they need general information about your business, professional answering services provide their agents with real-time information to help them make a more seamless transition between the digital or automated channel to the phone call.
This information helps them provide personalized service, which makes potential clients feel they’re being attended to by skilled professionals who know what they’re doing and can resolve their issues. Leaving a positive first impression on your callers increases your chances of them turning into customers, even if it’s at a later opportunity.
Grow your business in Sparta, TN, with reliable remote assistance services.
Serving Sparta, TN, with an unmatched virtual assistant phone answering service since 1974 at Ding A Ling Answering Services, we understand the importance of providing a superior call experience to your leads and clients.
We know that professionalism and friendliness matter, and your callers deserve a reliable, knowledgeable agent to listen to them and provide the customer support they need, from simply knowing if they can pay with a credit card to resolving a refund situation. That’s why we provide skilled and capable virtual assistants who will handle your calls as if you were the one picking up the phone.
Call us at (800) 544-4775 to get your quote. We’re open 24/7!